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  • 小鼠腦立體定位儀












1. 可以同時定位新生鼠和小型嚙齒類動物

2. 底座尺寸:25cmx25cm

3. 兼容氣體麻醉機

4. 耳棒和牙棒的高度調整適合10-75g小鼠

5. Delrin?材料的耳棒,更適合于小鼠實驗操作

6. 三維操作臂可以精確定位

7. 支持雙操作臂工作模式

8. 可選數顯模式

9. 可選全自動模式

10. 精確度標準型100um,數顯型10um


標準型小鼠腦定位儀  型號:SA-100

便攜式小鼠定位儀  型號:SA-103 

數顯型小鼠腦定位儀  型號:SA-150

雙臂型小鼠腦定位儀   型號:SA-113


1. Albéri, L., Lintas, A., Kretz, R., Schwaller, B., & Villa, A. E. (2013). The calcium-binding protein parvalbumin modulates the firing 1 properties of the reticular thalamic nucleus bursting neurons. Journal of neurophysiology, 109(11), 2827-2841.
2. Sonati, T., Reimann, R. R., Falsig, J., Baral, P. K., O’Connor, T., Hornemann, S., Aguzzi, A. (2013). The toxicity of antiprion antibodies is mediated by the flexible tail of the prion protein. Nature, 501(7465), 102-106.
3. Ali, I., O’Brien, P., Kumar, G., Zheng, T., Jones, N. C., Pinault, D., O’Brien, T. J. (2013). Enduring Effects of Early Life Stress on Firing Patterns of Hippocampal and Thalamocortical Neurons in Rats: Implications for Limbic Epilepsy. PLOS ONE, 8(6), e66962.
4. Bell, L. A., Bell, K. A., & McQuiston, A. R. (2013). Synaptic Muscarinic Response Types in Hippocampal CA1 Interneurons Depend on Different Levels of Presynaptic Activity and Different Muscarinic Receptor Subtypes. Neuropharmacology.
5. Bolzoni, F., B?czyk, M., & Jankowska, E. (2013). Subcortical effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the rat. The Journal of Physiology.
6. Bolzoni, F., B?czyk, M., & Jankowska, E. (2013). Subcortical effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the rat. The Journal of Physiology.
7. Babaei, P., Tehrani, B. S., & Alizadeh, A. (2013). Effect of BDNF and adipose derived stem cells transplantation on cognitive deficit in Alzheimer model of rats. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 3, 156-161.
8. Gilmartin, M. R., Miyawaki, H., Helmstetter, F. J., & Diba, K. (2013). Prefrontal Activity Links Nonoverlapping Events in Memory. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(26), 10910-10914.
9. Feng, L., Sametsky, E. A., Gusev, A. G., & Uteshev, V. V. (2012). Responsiveness to nicotine of neurons of the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract correlates with the neuronal projection target. Journal of Neurophysiology, 108(7), 1884-1894.
10. Clarner, T., Diederichs, F., Berger, K., Denecke, B., Gan, L., Van der Valk, P., Kipp, M. (2012). Myelin debris regulates inflammatory responses in an experimental demyelination animal model and multiple sclerosis lesions. Glia, 60(10), 1468-1480.
11. Girardet, C., Bonnet, M. S., Jdir, R., Sadoud, M., Thirion, S., Tardivel, C., Troadec, J. D. (2011). Central inflammation and sickness-like behavior induced by the food contaminant deoxynivalenol: A PGE2-independent mechanism.Toxicological Sciences, 124(1), 179-191.
12. Hru?ka-Plocháň, M., Juhas, S., Juhasova, J., Galik, J., Miyanohara, A., Marsala, M., Motlik, J. (2010). A27 Expression of the human mutant huntingtin in minipig striatum induced formation of EM48+ inclusions in the neuronal nuclei, cytoplasm and processes. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 81(Suppl 1), A9-A9.
13. Brooks, S., Jones, L., & Dunnett, S. B. (2010). A29 Frontostriatal pathology in the (C57BL/6J) YAC128 mouse uncovered by the operant delayed alternation task. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 81(Suppl 1), A9-A10.
14. Yu, L., Metzger, S., Clemens, L. E., Ehrismann, J., Ott, T., Gu, X., Nguyen, H. P. (2010). A28 Accumulation and aggregation of human mutant huntingtin and neuron atrophy in BAC-HD transgenic rat. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 81(Suppl 1), A9-A9.
15. Baxa, M., Juhas, S., Pavlok, A., Vodicka, P., Juhasova, J., Hru?ka-Plocháň, M., Motlik, J. (2010). A26 Transgenic miniature pig as an animal model for Huntington’s disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 81(Suppl 1), A8-A9.













1. 可以同時定位新生鼠和小型嚙齒類動物

2. 底座尺寸:25cmx25cm

3. 兼容氣體麻醉機

4. 耳棒和牙棒的高度調整適合10-75g小鼠

5. Delrin?材料的耳棒,更適合于小鼠實驗操作

6. 三維操作臂可以精確定位

7. 支持雙操作臂工作模式

8. 可選數顯模式

9. 可選全自動模式

10. 精確度標準型100um,數顯型10um


標準型小鼠腦定位儀  型號:SA-100

便攜式小鼠定位儀  型號:SA-103 

數顯型小鼠腦定位儀  型號:SA-150

雙臂型小鼠腦定位儀   型號:SA-113


1. Albéri, L., Lintas, A., Kretz, R., Schwaller, B., & Villa, A. E. (2013). The calcium-binding protein parvalbumin modulates the firing 1 properties of the reticular thalamic nucleus bursting neurons. Journal of neurophysiology, 109(11), 2827-2841.
2. Sonati, T., Reimann, R. R., Falsig, J., Baral, P. K., O’Connor, T., Hornemann, S., Aguzzi, A. (2013). The toxicity of antiprion antibodies is mediated by the flexible tail of the prion protein. Nature, 501(7465), 102-106.
3. Ali, I., O’Brien, P., Kumar, G., Zheng, T., Jones, N. C., Pinault, D., O’Brien, T. J. (2013). Enduring Effects of Early Life Stress on Firing Patterns of Hippocampal and Thalamocortical Neurons in Rats: Implications for Limbic Epilepsy. PLOS ONE, 8(6), e66962.
4. Bell, L. A., Bell, K. A., & McQuiston, A. R. (2013). Synaptic Muscarinic Response Types in Hippocampal CA1 Interneurons Depend on Different Levels of Presynaptic Activity and Different Muscarinic Receptor Subtypes. Neuropharmacology.
5. Bolzoni, F., B?czyk, M., & Jankowska, E. (2013). Subcortical effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the rat. The Journal of Physiology.
6. Bolzoni, F., B?czyk, M., & Jankowska, E. (2013). Subcortical effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the rat. The Journal of Physiology.
7. Babaei, P., Tehrani, B. S., & Alizadeh, A. (2013). Effect of BDNF and adipose derived stem cells transplantation on cognitive deficit in Alzheimer model of rats. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 3, 156-161.
8. Gilmartin, M. R., Miyawaki, H., Helmstetter, F. J., & Diba, K. (2013). Prefrontal Activity Links Nonoverlapping Events in Memory. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(26), 10910-10914.
9. Feng, L., Sametsky, E. A., Gusev, A. G., & Uteshev, V. V. (2012). Responsiveness to nicotine of neurons of the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract correlates with the neuronal projection target. Journal of Neurophysiology, 108(7), 1884-1894.
10. Clarner, T., Diederichs, F., Berger, K., Denecke, B., Gan, L., Van der Valk, P., Kipp, M. (2012). Myelin debris regulates inflammatory responses in an experimental demyelination animal model and multiple sclerosis lesions. Glia, 60(10), 1468-1480.
11. Girardet, C., Bonnet, M. S., Jdir, R., Sadoud, M., Thirion, S., Tardivel, C., Troadec, J. D. (2011). Central inflammation and sickness-like behavior induced by the food contaminant deoxynivalenol: A PGE2-independent mechanism.Toxicological Sciences, 124(1), 179-191.
12. Hru?ka-Plocháň, M., Juhas, S., Juhasova, J., Galik, J., Miyanohara, A., Marsala, M., Motlik, J. (2010). A27 Expression of the human mutant huntingtin in minipig striatum induced formation of EM48+ inclusions in the neuronal nuclei, cytoplasm and processes. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 81(Suppl 1), A9-A9.
13. Brooks, S., Jones, L., & Dunnett, S. B. (2010). A29 Frontostriatal pathology in the (C57BL/6J) YAC128 mouse uncovered by the operant delayed alternation task. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 81(Suppl 1), A9-A10.
14. Yu, L., Metzger, S., Clemens, L. E., Ehrismann, J., Ott, T., Gu, X., Nguyen, H. P. (2010). A28 Accumulation and aggregation of human mutant huntingtin and neuron atrophy in BAC-HD transgenic rat. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 81(Suppl 1), A9-A9.
15. Baxa, M., Juhas, S., Pavlok, A., Vodicka, P., Juhasova, J., Hru?ka-Plocháň, M., Motlik, J. (2010). A26 Transgenic miniature pig as an animal model for Huntington’s disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 81(Suppl 1), A8-A9.

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